Thursday, January 12, 2012

This Condition

So on my daily commute home from work last night, I was aimlessly singing along to my music when my shuffle threw out a song that brought back so many memories. The song was Take, Take, Take by This Condition. Most of you have probably never heard of them as they are a relatively newer band from Long Island. So this song comes on, and BAM! All these memories come flooding into my brain. It all started my junior year of high school, when my friend Megan introduced me to their music. She told me that "I had to go to one of their shows, they're awesome!" So, I decided to go with her to one of their shows. After the first one, I was hooked. Ditching homework on school nights, blowing off parties and other friends for their shows on the weekends...we did anything we could to go to as many shows as we could. We also became very close with a fellow TC worshiper named Kate. The three of us had this unspoken bond because the music was what brought us together. Over time, we started to befriend the band. At this time the band was made up of Nate, Nicky C, Anthony, Mike and Steve (they now have different members). Me, Megan and Kate spent more time in dark, wet and grimy bars/clubs/churches/concert venues then we did at home. Every weekend we would trek all the way to The Vibe in Rockville Centre or The Crazy Donkey in Farmingdale or some other shit hole bar, just to hangout with these guys who sang all our favorite songs. We met so many new people from all over Long Island. We even traveled out of state to see them! From taking silly pictures in gross bathrooms, to fighting our way to be right in the front, to silently checking out cute boys, or to just jamming out in the car ride home. I will cherish all the memories. I can honestly say that this band has created so many amazing memories for me. My last two years of high school were so special, and now I'm extremely nostalgic for the times when all I had to worry about was if I was gonna be able to go to the TC concert even though I was taking the SAT's the next day at 8 AM. I'll never forget the time Megan, Kate and I visited Dob ( TC's manager at the time) at Stony Brook (where he was going to school) and we got to hear some TC demos for the first time. For me, that moment was magical and I hope I never forget it. All in all, I just want to personally thank This Condition for the friendships and memories they have given me. Thank you for everything. Oh and don't forget, we don't have to be alone. 

Love, Julianne.

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